Not an expert (in anything)
Tony Morrison said something about If there is a blog you want to read and it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it. So, here I am, writing.
I have no agenda for starting this blog except to suck at it. Yep! I don't want to have a purpose or a narrative or a curated set of opinions about anything at all. I am going to write about how data is sexist and how women travel differently than men and how my girl friends and I travelled to Spiti and how some boy broke my heart. I am going to write long sentences with bad grammar and miss all the -s and put commas in the wrong places. I am going to put photos that are not in the best possible angle and create reading lists that make no sense. I am going to write 3 posts in a week and then disappear for a month.
This blog is my way of telling myself that you need not be perfect at something to enjoy doing it. Words saved me when I was drowning and gave me a way to express my anguish at the world. So, I am simply going to use them to say things that are important for me. I hope that you find some of these things important too, or funny, or slightly interesting, or nothing at all.
Thanks for reading my ted talk, now go read my articles